Friday, December 12, 2008

Thanksgiving Song

I know this is a little late, but while job searching I ran across a posting for a puppeteer position for a children's tv show. I thought it was kind of funny and I started imagining the interview process for a puppeteer. I vividly pictured my response to the question "what kind of experience do you have with puppets?"

Me- "Well actually, my siblings and I went through a puppet phase once when we decided to perform a musical reenactment of the First Thanksgiving with homemade puppet Pilgrims and Indians. It was very brief but we wrote a song that went:

One day long ago, on a very long trip
There were some Pilgrims who were getting sick
And then all a sudden they spotted some land
They saw some Indians running through the land
The Pilgrims said 'Hi' and the Indians said 'How'
The Pilgrims said 'LET'S MAKE PEACE!'
and they all had a 'GREAT BIG FEAST!'"

I would have that puppeteer job in no time.

Note the reuse of the word "land"... there may have been 'sand' for one of those, but I'm pretty sure we said land for both lines, which makes it that much more humorous now. We may not have even written the song, I was about 5 or 6 and in my memory we created it, I could be a wrong though.

1 comment:

Justin said...

No we definitely wrote that song. collaboratively i suppose. the melody was stolen though from some church camp song.