Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thanks a lot Bush.

Chalk another 1 up for the Economy in the reasons Whitney remains unemployed.

I feel like I was waiting for this morning as anxiously excited as I was waiting for Christmas morning as a child. This was to be the "Morning of my *Interview*" (said fantastically), something that now seems to be as imaginary and frequent as visits from the tooth fairy. I wake up early, ready to make this the first day of my new life as a *Production Manager*--looks in the mirror and repeats title to self and place arms on hips, elbows out, chin up, superhero posing. This is my "Morning of my *Interview*" (said fantastically) routine. Well, I guess it can't qualify as a routine if this is the first experienced "Morning of my "Interview*". But I will carry on the tradition, it worked well. I was pumped, I was confident, I was the BEST potential Production Manager in the world! I was also minutes away from a phone call canceling the interview due to "the state of the economy." I put down the phone, along with my chin, and the superhero pose took on more of a fetal position back in bed to sleep off the news. I dreamed of better times, where the economy was fruitful, jobs were a-plenty, that's right AAAA-plenty, and George W. Bush was no longer in office. I woke up still unemployed. Any one hiring superhero stand ins?

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