Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My first night

Yesterday was my first official day as a Philadelphian. I found a nice rowhome with affordable rent, a cool roommate (one more to come soon), and I have 2 windows in my bedroom! My closet space is a little unfortunate, but I've had worse. I'm not quite used to the fact that the view from every window is looking into another house. I wonder if when it comes time in life to move into a house in the suburbs, if I'll have to get used to NOT seeing other windows outside of mine. Anyways, last night I went to the Manayunk Brewery and Restaurant (I highly recommend their Peach Wheat and Schuylkill Punch Brew; I like beers with a low IBU) and then walked the Main St. of Manayunk, and it was exactly what I needed to feel home. Not that Main St. is anything like my experiences in Lexington or Harrisonburg, but it looked exactly like the kind of place I've always imagined myself living at--cobblestone sidewalks, quaint shops and cafes, people sitting inside and outside, an artsy vibe in the air, right next to a long boardwalk by the river. sigh, my soul was at ease. Needless to say, I slept pretty well. I'm surprised that I haven't cried yet about moving, but then again, it also has yet to sink in that this isn't just a vacation from my life in Harrisonburg, this IS my life now. My roommate just moved from VA as well, so we're both adjusting from living in the valley (she's from Radford) to living in the city. From my experiences so far though, I already know that I will have a hard time leaving this place when/if that time comes. I went running this morning, in my attempt to keep up the good habits while leaving my bad habits in VA. While I was out exploring, I saw signs for recreational/social sports league sign ups, so I went online this afternoon and joined two floor hockey leagues. One starts next Thursday, and the other begins in October. I can't wait!
As for the job search... I've put in applications to some places, one of which is a Studio Coordinator job and sounds very similar to what I was doing for Rosetta, I'm hoping to get that job, but I'm also enjoying unemployment for a change. I figure if all else fails, I'll go to a Temp Agency in a couple weeks and try out a bunch of different jobs in order to find what I like most.

I have only one complaint that I must throw in: our front door deadbolt is infuriating sometimes! It takes too much elbow juice and takes way too long to get inside. The landord said it's only because the heat causes the door to swell and get stuck, and that it should be fine once the weather cools down, but this is not cool! On 100 degree days, the last thing I want is to be working up more of a sweat trying to get into my nice cool apartment!!! Other than that, Philly is great so far!

1 comment:

Justin said...

congrats on the move, whitney. i'm a subscriber to your blog now. I can stay up-to-date on your transformation into a philadelphian. can't wait to visit you in your sweet new pad. good luck with hockey -- try to keep all of your teeth if you can.